
Health is a major sector of the organization and the organization has been emphasizing on this since its inception. Due to consistence intervention in this sector, presently the organization is one of the prominent stakeholders in Barak Valley Districts of Assam to execute health related programs. Throughout organization's extensive journey, has got opportunity to work with ISM&H, RCH-I and RCH-II as a mother NGO in Barak Valley, Dima Haso (formerly NC Hills) and Karbianglong District and presently inextricably involved with District Health Society, Assam state AIDS Control society and NHM.

Major Health Interventions are as follows :

  • Free Health Check up Program
  • Targeted Intervention Project on HIV/AIDS
  • Care & Support Centre for People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV)
  • Prevention of Parent to Child Transmission (PPTCT)


Targeted Interventions (TIs) are set of intervention in HIV/AIDS Control Program peer-led preventive interventions focused on HRGS and bridge population. High Risk Behavior Groups (HRGs) are divided into Core Groups (comprising Female Sex Workers (FSW), Injecting Drug Users (IDUs), Men having Sex with Men (MSM) and Bridge Groups (Migrant workers, Truckers and Local Transport Workers)). Targeted Interventions are implemented by Non-Government Organisations (NGO) and Community-based Organisations (CBO) in a defined geographic area. They provide prevention services with components such as behavioural change communication, condom distribution, STI/RTI services, needle & syringe exchange, opioid substitution therapy, referrals and linkages to health facilities providing HIV/AIDS services, community mobilization and creating enabling environment.

Core Composite TI that provides prevention services to more than one high risk group. The number of TIs mentioned in the document includes only NACO-supported TIs. Migrant TIs include only destination TIs. The goal of NACP IV (2013+) Consolidate gains, focus on highest risk HRGs, scalling up services and quality assurance. TIs facilitate prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases as they increase the risk of HIV infection, and are linked to care, support and treatment services for HIV infected. NACO is the apex body to execute the HIV/AIDS related program in the country and every state has SACS whose has one of the responsibilities to empanel for implementing the projects and according the SACS has empanelled Deshabandhu Club is run the TI project. The organization has been implementing successfully this program for providing information education and community mobilization to the communities (1000 no's FSWs and 120 no's MSMs).

Objectives of the Project :

  • To create awareness among the community and make them aware regarding various issues of STI & HIV/AIDS.
  • To expand of acquaintance competencies and practical proficiencies in about safer sex practices.
  • To promote correct and consistent use of condom among the community.
  • To minimize the STI cases among the HRGs through Syndrome case management.
  • To mobilize the target group through empower them and make a strong community response group.

Challenges faced :

  • Most of the HRGs belong from street based and brothel based it is difficult to maintain 100% regular contact.
  • In the remote areas some problems arising in course of contact.
  • Initially it was extremely challenging to initiate intervention inside the brothel area. Now due to the constant efforts of the organization and staff, the peer's can easily access the DIC. Moreover staff also meet the outreach services inside the brothel.
  • As the outreach staff and counselor has build a good rapport with the madams in the brothel therefore in every Thursday mobile STI clinic is conduct with the help of PPP doctor.
  • It has been observed by our TI team that the Collective income generation activity among sex workers is difficult.
  • It is also observed that brothel based FSWs are furious to do ICTC test regularly and it become hard to enter with visitor also.

Step taken to address the problems :

  • Four Peer Educator is involve with project for smooth contact with brothel based HRGs.
  • It is more prioritize to continue mobile ICTC inside the brothel twice in a year.
  • There is need for orientation among community people and police person.
  • There is need for policy and strong administrative advocacy which help community people to come forward for services.


Care and Support Centre is a national initiative to provide expanded and holistic care and support Services for PLHIV. It symbolizes a ray of hope in the lives of PLHIV. CSC expands access to essential services, supports treatment adherence, reduces stigma and discrimination, and improves the quality of life of PLHIV across India.

Goal :

The overall goal of CSC is to improve the survival and quality of life of PLHIV.

Specific objectives of the program include the following :

  • Early linkages of PLHIV to care, support and treatment services : The CSC will support PLHIV in early linkage to care, support and treatment services.
  • Improved treatment adherence and education for PLHIV : Adherence education and support can help PLHIV sustain and manage their treatment regimes.
  • Expanded positive prevention activities : Early testing and diagnosis will be encouraged through appropriate counselling and peer support. All who are tested will be supported to engage their sexual partners, family members and children toward testing.
  • Improved social protection and well being of PLHIV : The CSC will facilitate linkage to the existing social welfare and protection schemes under different line departments, corporate sector, public sector undertakings, faith based organizations, and civil society organizations.
  • Strengthened community systems and reduced stigma and discrimination : To ensure a robust system that supports the program goal and ensures reduced stigma and a discrimination free access to quality service.

A few activities taken during this year ...

  • Advocacy meeting with administration, govt. deptt. for Linkage of PLHIV with Social Protection Schemes
  • Advocacy meeting with deptts. of food & civil supplies & CA of District, Cachar & Karimganj Linkage of PLHIV with Social Protection Schemes.
  • 308 Nos. of PLHIV are linked with Various Social Protection Schemes (AAY & NFSA)
  • 1 No. PLHIV linked with USHA International tailoring program in Deshabandhu Club and she was offered a free sewing machine and a certificate and to open a training school in her native place.
  • CSC referred 1 no. of PLHIV female for ORW Job in PPTCT IL & FS Project.
  • 29 Nos. of LFU PLHIV are brought back to Treatment at ART Centre.
  • 6 Nos. of PLHIV successfully avail the PAN Card
  • 6 Nos. of Discrimination cases are successfully resolved by DRT

Impact of the program so far

  • Increasing ART adherence in over PLHAs who were facilitated access to ART treatment and enabled adherence through regular follow up.
  • Community sensitization initiatives have ensured basic rights like stigma free life for PLHAs by increasing community participation in caring for them.


According to the NACO Technical Estimate Report (2012) estimated that out of 27 million annual pregnancies in India, 34,675 occur in HIV positive pregnant women. An overall estimated 0.3% prevalence rate of HIV infection among pregnant women, it is estimated that about 100,000 HIV infected women deliver every year. Using a conservative vertical transmission rate of 30%, about 30,000 infants acquire HIV infection each year. The life span of a child infected by HIV infection is lower than that found in adults. Thus HIV infection may increase health care expenditure both prospensity to alter the morality rates in childhood. PPTCT (prevention of parents to child transmission of HIV/AIDS) project is a special project for all the PLHIV infected people in this part of Assam. The organization is looking over two districts of Assam mainly Cachar and Karimganj Districts.

Goal of the Program :

The main motto or the main goal of this program is to minimize the number of PLHIV AIDS people in our society and make HIV AIDS free society.

Objectives of the Program :

The main object of the program is to find the Positive pregnant women and give proper support and service provide. The objective of this partnership is to prevent HIV transmission and mitigate the impact of HIV by expanding access to testing, counseling and prevention of parent to child transmission service, strengthening inter program linkage, specially HIV and TB collaboration and integrating HIV services with the general health system by performing the following activities.

  • Tracking and reporting number and percentage of HIV infected pregnant women and their babies receiving a complete course of ARV prophylaxis to reduce the risk of PPTCT.
  • Tracking and reporting number of outreach workers trained on PPTCT module.
  • Tracking and reporting number of district level networks/civil society Organizations staff trained on PPTCT module.
  • Tracking and reporting percentage of infant born to HIV infected women who receive an HIV test within 2 months of birth.
  • Tracking and reporting number of ART centers visited and data gathering.
  • Tracking and reporting data on institutional delivery of positive pregnant women over total institutional delivery.

A few activities attained so far during the year

So far during this period under this project we have save Twenty one (21) new born babies life from HIV/AIDS. After 18 month of babies age there is a last test called Rapid Test (DNA-PCR) after doing this test their result came out as a negative. This program is a unique program and it is a ray of hope for the entire PLHIV patient.

Challenges faced

To run this Project we have faced lot of challenges in our society. Stigma and discrimination is common phenomenon in this region. During our field visit we observed that "if anyone says that I am HIV Positive he/she is going to chase away by able society." Family environment is very unfavorable to infected people. Though counseling is provided by the different centre's to overcome and meet the challenges but HIV/AIDS suffering people are not getting fully family support as well as social support so, without family and social support to run this project is really a challenging job.

Step taken to address the problem

  • Regular counseling which will create enabling environment in the family and society.
  • Empowering PLHIV and coordinate with micro credit facilities.
  • Proper counseling and social group support for people living with HIV/AIDS.
  • More and more awareness program should be taken.